Emma WilliamsAge: 821864–1946
- Name
- Emma Williams
- Given names
- Emma
- Surname
- Williams
- Married Name
- Emma Taylor
Birth | 1864 27 24 |
Immigration | 29 November 1865 (Age 22 months) Port Adelaide, South Australia, Australia |
Death | 1946 (Age 82) Age: 82 Cheltenham, Victoria, Australia |
Last change | 11 January 2017 - 10:14:25 by: Derek Whitten |
Family with parents - View family |
father |
Thomas Williams
Birth 1837 Redruth, Cornwall, England Death 13 January 1882 (Age 45) Age: 45 Clunes, Victoria, Australia Loading...
3 years mother |
Mary Ann Glasson
Birth 1840 Death 1904 (Age 64) Age: 64 Clunes, Victoria, Australia Loading...
Marriage: 1861 — Redruth, Cornwall, England |
#1 elder sister |
Emma Williams
Birth 1861 24 21 Death before 1864 (Age 3) Loading...
3 years #2 herself |
Emma Williams
Birth 1864 27 24 Death 1946 (Age 82) Age: 82 Cheltenham, Victoria, Australia Loading...
21 months #3 younger sister |
Annie Milton Williams
Birth 12 October 1865 28 25 Moonta, South Australia, Australia Death 1878 (Age 12) Age: 12 Loading...
2 years #4 younger brother |
Thomas Glasson Williams
Birth 8 December 1867 30 27 Moonta, South Australia, Australia Death 7 January 1939 (Age 71) Age: 71 Surrey Hills, Victoria, Australia Loading...
2 years #5 younger brother |
Alfred Williams
Birth 1870 33 30 Clunes, Victoria, Australia Death 1888 (Age 18) Age: 18 Clunes, Victoria, Australia Loading...
1 year #6 younger brother |
Matthew Williams
Birth 1871 34 31 Clunes, Victoria, Australia Death 1894 (Age 23) Age: 22 Clunes, Victoria, Australia Loading...
3 years #7 younger sister |
Martha Jane Williams
Birth 1874 37 34 Clunes, Victoria, Australia Death 1908 (Age 34) Age: 34 Ballarat East, Victoria, Australia Loading...
1 year #8 younger sister |
Lavinia Ann Williams
Birth 1875 38 35 Clunes, Victoria, Australia Death 1880 (Age 5) Age: 4 Loading...
2 years #9 younger brother |
James Williams
Birth 1877 40 37 Clunes, Victoria, Australia Death 19 May 1932 (Age 55) Age: 55 Moonta, South Australia, Australia Loading...
2 years #10 younger brother |
John Williams
Birth 1879 42 39 Clunes, Victoria, Australia Death 1881 (Age 2) Age: 2 Clunes, Victoria, Australia Loading...
3 years #11 younger sister |
Lavinia Ann Williams
Birth 1 January 1882 45 42 Clunes, Victoria, Australia Death 1944 (Age 62) Age: 62 Clunes, Victoria, Australia Loading...
Family with William Taylor - View family |
husband |
herself |
Emma Williams
Birth 1864 27 24 Death 1946 (Age 82) Age: 82 Cheltenham, Victoria, Australia Loading...
Marriage: 1889 |